Drug tests and CBD

Will CBD show up in a workplace drug test?

In most cases drug tests do not test for CBD, they do however test for THC*. This is why it is important to know where your CBD comes from. All reputable brands of CBD will publish the labs reports for each CBD product they sell. This will confirm the level of THC in your product. Ideally the lab report will confirm your product contains less than 0.015% THC

Generally speaking Oral drops, E-Liquids, Edibles & Topicals will contain less than than 0.015% THC, so these are OK. However some Hemp Teas and other products made using raw hemp or Full Spectrum CBD may contain up to 0.4% THC and therefore some drug tests could produce a positive result.

Broad Spectrum, Full Spectrum and Isolate.

Full Spectrum CBD: This is made from the entire biomass of the hemp plant except the seeds and stems. Many users believe the "entourage effect" of all of the other compounds in Full Spectrum make this the most desirable type of CBD.

Full Spectrum CBD will result in you ingesting the full amount of THC native to the strain of hemp plant used. Products made with this type of CBD may contain levels of THC that trigger a positive workplace test. 

Broad Spectrum CBD: This is similar to Full Spectrum CBD except that the THC is removed in processing*, typically providing a finished product with less than  0.015%THC. All of the other compounds remain in your CBD product so you will experience almost all of the entourage effect when compared to Full Spectrum. Broad Spectrum will not trigger a standard workplace test*

CBD Isolate: This is where we remove everything except the CBD. Typically you will have a CBD purity of 99.985%. Products made with CBD Isolate will not trigger the currently used drug tests in the UK as of July 2021*.

World Anti-Doping Agency’s Prohibited List

CBD is not currently listed on the World Anti-Doping Agency’s Prohibited List. As a result, it is permitted to use in many sports. All other cannabinoids (including but not limited to cannabis, hashish, marijuana, and THC) are prohibited in-competition. The intention of the regulations is to prohibit cannabinoids that activate the same receptors in the brain as activated by THC. 

World Anti-Doping Agency

NB. THC has a reporting threshold in urine of 150 nanograms per milliliter. Other cannabinoids on the Prohibited List do not have a reporting threshold, meaning that the detection of even the smallest amount in urine will be considered as an Adverse Analytical Finding (AAF).

Other Sports Governing bodies may have specific rules that prohibit CBD, therefore if you are competing in a specific sport you must consult their own guidelines. 

Workplace testing

Cannabidiol, otherwise known as CBD, is a compound found in cannabis known as a cannabinoid. The most well-known cannabinoid is THC. This is the compound responsible for the 'high' associated with cannabis. If you consume CBD oil, that is made from CBD Isolate or Broad Spectrum CBD you should not test positive for cannabis on a workplace drug test.

Crystal Drug & Alcohol Testing are one of the leading UK labs involved in workplace testing. Please click on their link for the latest update on UK wokplace testing.

Regulated Ocupations, British Forces, Police etc.

If you work in a regulated occupation you should talk to your Human resources department to make sure there are no additional rules relating to your job.


* Disclaimer

Camden Town CBD take no responsibility for the information provided above. Best endeavours have been used to make sure it is accurate at the time of writing which was July 2021. We provide links to additional sources for your reference