Lab Reports

Quality Control
The quality of all of the ingredients that go in to Camden Town CBD are strictly monitored by our production teams. Our production facilities allow for precision amounts of each ingredient to be added to the mix, which ensures we are able to maintain a consistant product.
Each batch of CBD Oils, E-Liquids and Edibles are carefully quality checked at time of manufacture then a sample is sent to the lab for analysis. The analysis carried out at the labs is there to ensure that:
- The amount of CBD is as stated on the label.
- THC levels are within the paramaeters set for the product.
These lab reports are your quality assurance from Camden Town CBD of the quality of product that you are purchasing.
To view a sample report please click here
Product Specific Lab Reports
All Camden Town CBD products carry Batch Number and Product Expiry dates on their lables. Make a note of your product's batch number so you can check the Lab reports for an exact breakdown of the CBD contained in your product.
Oral Drops click here
E-Liquids click here
Edibles click here